I also remember telling her at my first meeting that it was
a bad time to start because I was going away the following day.
She said "it is never a good time to start."
- Planning my meals at home and when you go out for dinner. Look at the menus on line before so you can look up ingredients/calories and know what you are going to order beforehand.
- Schedule my exercise. I make plans with friends to walk in advance. It is a great way to catch up with your friends. If I can't walk in person with someone, I bring my ear pods on my walk and I call a friend(s) .
- I don't keep foods/drinks at home that I know I shouldn't eat/drink. I keep 100 calorie snacks around for portion control. Also after going to the market, I prepare my foods to eat. For example, I peel the carrots before putting them in fridge.
- Keeping in touch with Liz - she makes great suggestions. For example I was getting hungry in the morning after my exercise and she made a suggestion to have pure protein to carry me over to lunch. I now keep hard boiled eggs in fridge.
The best part of having lost weight is that I feel great. I'm in much better shape - able to do more then 1 exercise a day.
Kim lost 82 pounds

Update: Kim is down 100# !! ๐ฒ

John, age 32, lost 50 pounds
I was hospitalized for high triglycerides and diagnosed with type 2 diabetes on August 11th, 2020. I weighed over 300lbs. Doctor at the ER told me that If this was left untreated, that I would probably be dead before I turned 35.
I came home from the hospital two days later, my wife tossed 5 positive pregnancy tests in my lap, and my entire life changed in that moment. I needed to get healthy!
I quit smoking, stopped drinking, cut carbs and started exercising every day. I had a great support system around me (my doctors, my nutritionist Liz, wife, mother, siblings, father, all supported me and continued to encourage me). It’s been just under 4 months and I’ve lost just over 50lbs and I feel great!

Lab improvements From August 11th to November 9th :
- Weight Started at over 300lbs and Now at 249.5lbs
- Triglycerides Started at over 5,000 and Now at 85
- Cholesterol Started at 409 and Now at 136
- HDL Started at 24 and Now at 49
- LDL Didn’t even compute, Now at 77
- A1C Started at 9.7 and Now at 5.3
The only person that could actually make this happen was me.
I found something inside of me that I didn’t know existed but was there the whole time. It allowed me to get to this point!
Now that I know what I am capable of and who I ACTUALLY am, I don’t think I’ll ever allow myself to lose myself ever again.
The best part of of losing weight is that when my baby girl is born this April, I know that she will only know the very best version of her father and that now I am healthy enough to stick around a little while and watch her grow up!
Keys to success:
- Surrounded myself with people who supported me and I continued to proudly keep everyone updated on my progress. Seeing results on the scale kept me motivated to proudly exclaim each milestone reached.
- Having a great professional team around me (I actually looked forward to visits with my endocrinologist and nutritionist).
- Healthy proteins, low carbs, lots of water. ( I essentially cut out starchy foods, filled up on veggies and lean proteins).
- Intermittent Fasting (Switched to black coffee in the mornings and tried my best not to eat past 8pm)
- Exercise (The Peloton Bike and App saved me. I am addicted. Working out is fun and you can share your success with your friends on the app.)
- Creating healthy meals, snacks and cheats that I actually enjoy eating! (Grilled chicken and veggies everyday gets boring. I had to switch it up if I was going to sustain this lifestyle.
Rewarding myself with a meal that I really love after reaching mile stones.
- Calling on my support system, especially my father, when I felt discouraged. I plateaued and felt like I was on the brink of a relapse. I was eating healthy, exercising and not seeing results. I called an emergency meeting with my nutritionist and talked through it, formulated a new plan, and before I knew it, I was back to seeing results again.
The best part about losing weight is EVERYTHING! Everything about your life improves. I have more confidence at work, my sales numbers are way up, I’m smiling more, I have more energy, I’m more productive… My wife thinks I’m HOT again!!! Other people think I’m HOT!!!

I open up to you about food (and even life) choices with ease,
as you're non-judgemental and keep me in such a positive mindset.
I am proud to say that I've lost over 70 pounds with your guidance
and I am still looking forward to reaching my goal.
๐ฃ Update: Erica is now down a total of 86 pounds โ

My name is Donna and I have lost 100lbs.

I liked that Liz could work around the foods that I liked rather than trying to fit into a menu plan with foods I would never eat.
And best of all, I wasn’t doing it alone but with someone who had the knowledge I desperately needed to succeed.

The best part of having lost weight is feeling more in control with eating makes dealing with other life stresses easier to manage.
- Tracking calories with My Fitness Pal
- Exercise every day: walking 3-4 miles or pickle ball plus yoga and meditation app daily
- Getting personalized advice from Liz and checking in every two weeks
- Taking time to plan and prepare every meal, cooking 90% myself; having my husband participate and eat essentially same things I am eating. Also, being aware of trigger foods and trigger situations/time of day..removing myself from kitchen are during those times…brushing teeth to shut down eating for day.
As a result of my weight loss
- A1C came down into normal range Lowered dosage of one medication related to blood sugar
- Lowered dosage of one medication related to blood sugar
Heidi lost 20 pounds

I'm 54 years old and lost 31 pounds in about 6 months through better eating habits (less carbs and dairy) and exercise (walking and Peloton). Gains were slow for the first 4 to 6 weeks as my body became acclimated to the change in eating patterns and my level of exercise increased.
Keys to Success:
- Slow and steady progress
- Reducing carbs and dairy
- Consistent cardo 4 to 5 days a week
- Not giving up after slow start
The best part of having lost weight is more energy. Most days I crave physical activity.
Keith lost 31 pounds

I can walk and not lose my breath!
I can have more fun shopping and wearing fantastic clothes without feeling bad about myself- especially in a bathing suit!

Friends constantly ask me for advice and my secret! So many people think I must have starved myself LOL!
- Tracking what I eat daily
- Planning my weekly Monday-Friday meals at home ahead of time with the upcoming weekend in my mind
- Setting small goals, 10lbs, then 10 more
- Having Liz to reach out to when I was struggling to make good/the right choice
As a result of my weight loss
I no longer need to take any blood pressure medication. Most of my life I had low bood pressure, right before seeing Liz I was 170/110 and had to go on a combination of meds. I now am back to 110/70 and no blood pressure meds.
Kelly lost 40 pounds

I first was introduced to Liz by my Doctor after I asked him for advice on avoiding my family history of heart disease and diabetes.
When I first met Liz I was somewhat apprehensive about hearing of all the things I was not supposed to eat. But, that was not her approach.
I remember being asked "what do you like to eat" and then let's figure out what works. That was a tremendous relief. By not handing me a list of what I could never eat again, Liz convinced me I could change my eating habits.
Mostly I eat blueberries, turkey, chicken, fish and vegetables. I have been strongly motivated by watching family members suffer from these awful diseases being brought on by poor lifestyle choices. Every day I carefully plan what I am going to eat and on what schedule. I eat more frequently during the day, with less and less calories being consumed at a time. Some days I will have turkey and blueberries for breakfast, and sometimes I eat the same food for days. It has certainly been helpful that I like to eat berries.

The most important reference that I can provide for Liz is that she is an expert in providing advice and counseling on how to develop a different relationship with food.
She is bright, diligent and conscientious. Liz has never failed to answer a question, provide advice and to offer helpful encouragement and support when needed. Yes, she has a super esp sense to tell when support is required!!
As someone who had been overweight my entire life, this has been a life changing experience. I am happy to provide any reference and answer any questions anyone might have about working with Liz.
In my view, she is the finest professional to provide advice, counsel and guidance for weight loss issues.

I'm 61 now and it took approximately 12 months to lose the weight. In the several years since I have gained back 15 and have now lost 5 of that 15 pounds. Goal is to lose 10 more. I lost 10" off my waist. Dropped in size from a XXL to a Med.
Keys to Success
- Meeting, speaking with and continuing to meet with Liz
- Staying focused on my goals -- avoid obesity and family history of diabetes
- Strong motivation from family history of heart disease and diabetes
- Ordering food from a food delivery service and avoiding the supermarket when I first started
I had a number of dramatic improvements in my lab work. My glucose level was reduced to less than pre-diabetic, my cholesterol is below normal, and my blood pressure is 110/70. I now exercise by walking or running several times a week and lift weights when I can.
The best part of having lost weight is that I certainly feel better and have more energy. It has been nice to watch my clothing size decrease. Purchasing a new wardrobe was rewarding and a pleasure. I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

David lost 62 pounds

Some of us wrestle with a lifelong weight issue.
When I was a Junior in High School, I wanted to graduate “thin,” so I went to a doctor who had me swallow 3 pills a day for a solid year. One was a hunger depressant; one was desiccated thyroid; and one was who knows. In other words, it was 1964-1965: the height of diet pill use.
I was thin. I weighed 112 pounds on Graduation Day. And the weight came right back on…and on…and on.
I was a professional success by 1992 but absolutely miserable about my weight. I weighed 199 lbs. and was horrified and frightened. I went to Weight Watchers. Their point system translated to about 1000 calories/day plus walking. It took me 3 years, far longer than my companions, but I went from 199 down to 151.4 (47.5 lbs).
Over time (due to factors such as genetics; being medicated for anxiety and depression; a very unhappy family; and a pressure-cooker career) slowly but surely I regained my lost weight—and two other doctors and 3 different nutritionists (suggesting fewer than 1k calories/day) could not help me because I could not eat that little.
By 2010, at age 62, I weighed 204.5 lbs, a lifetime high for me,
at a height of only 5 feet. I’m only 4’10” now.

In 2010, working with medical professionals from the Scarsdale Medical Group, I began working with Elizabeth DeRobertis, a skilled and credentialed nutritionist — and such a kind and compassionate human being. “Liz” changed my thinking and my mindset (half the battle) and inserted a tremendous amount of positivity towards weight control versus the feelings of endless deprivation.
Liz explained the function of things in your body like protein and carbohydrates and fats in plain language rather than nutritional verbiage.
The number on the scale became of far less importance to me when I began to rely on numbers that indicated blood sugar, glucose, HA1C, cholesterol. In other words, the entire lipid panel, tested quarterly, gave me a factual chart on which to trace my journey vs. just the scale.
I could shoot for lower cholesterol and better glucose; monitor some numbers daily (like blood sugar); and achieve great changes on quarterly charts I made on my computer. Pointing to changes on the lipid panel gave me far greater satisfaction and pride in my journey than any number on the scale ever did, because changes were happening in other parts of my body—not just on a dreaded scale.
I never forget my nutritional needs on my weekly shopping list. Even during Covid, I have kept purchasing what I need. But, when the stress of Covid caused a gain of less than 5 pounds, I called a halt; reviewed my daily journal; and self-corrected.
I am not an exercise person. Frankly, walking (with two osteoarthritic knees) is something I have to push myself every day to do. I’ve never felt an endorphin high in my life. BUT, I do know that walking a mile or so, whatever I can manage, is so good for my heart, my A1C, my digestion, my elimination…and countless other areas that benefit. So, I try to engage in mindful exercise through walking.
Success? I feel anything but (based on the reactions of my friends and my doctors). I have always lost excruciatingly slowly so it will be AGES before my current 162 ever gets down to 151.4 again--if ever. But, if nothing else, I am faithful and persistent. I NEVER skip quarterly appointments with my Endocrinologist; I have constant contact with Liz; I journal every day; I try to walk every day; I keep my lipid panel charts on my computer up to date; and I never lose sight of my goal which is now HEALTH and no longer a number on a scale.
Nancy lost 42 pounds

At 54 years old, I started my journey on July 20, 2020. I have been able to consistently maintain within a few pounds and move lower slowly. Everyday weigh-in and accountability has been the key.
Keys to Success that helped me lose weight:
- cutting down on carbs
- exercise
- sticking to consistent diet 5-7 days a week
- working with Liz!
As a result of my weight loss, my A1c has gone from 8.5 to 6.4 over the course of six months.
The best part of having lost weight is having more energy, feeling better about the way I look, and less pain in my back and hips.
Jim lost 30 pounds

Joe was 72 when he started his journey.
In late March, a month after my annual physical when my internist told me, yet again, that I needed to lose weight, my wife and I each decided to start working with Liz to lose weight. Because of the pandemic, we have been meeting with her virtually, usually every 2 or 3 weeks.
I set an aggressive goal for myself – to lose 28 pounds – but Liz’s positive attitude, deep knowledge, specific recommendations, non-judgmental tone, and sense of humor (she laughs at my jokes) helped both me and my wife keep our eyes on the prize -- persevere, and remain dedicated to slow and steady progress – the keys to successful weight loss.
When we sometimes fell off the wagon (especially Thanksgiving and other holidays), Liz encouraged us to get back on track. When I had a regular checkup with my internist after 5 months in Liz's program, he noted with pleasure that I had finally lost the 10 pounds he had initially sought. He also told me that my A1C had some down enough that I was no longer in the “pre-diabetic” category.
Even though my primary care doctor set a goal for me to keep up with the weight loss until I lost 5 pounds more than I had been planning – a total of 33 pounds – I was not discouraged. Instead, I was, and, with Liz’s help, still am, even more dedicated to get there. Progress continues, and if it takes me 5 more months to get to my goal, that’s OK. It will certainly be worth the journey once I reach the goal.

My wife and I have been able to do this by eating healthier (more vegetables), but we are still able to eat snacks (just less of them or smaller portions). We are not feeling hungry, just better about ourselves.
The best parts of losing weight are experiencing a sense of pride and accomplishment, having to retire my now too-large clothes (I am not quite ready to donate them, but Liz is encouraging me to get there), and the need to have to get new clothes in smaller, not larger, sizes, and to actually look at myself in the mirror. I just ordered clothes online, in sizes from I don’t remember how long ago. I am looking forward to seeing how they (and I) look.
Here’s a photo of me with a pair of my already retired to the closet (but not yet to the donation bin) pants.
By the way, I also need a new, smaller belt.
Joe lost 23 pounds (so far, and still going)...update, he's down 26 pounds...

I'm 68 years old.
I have lost 16 pounds since beginning with Elizabeth DeRobertis in April 2020. Since I have pre-existing metabolic and endocrine difficulties, it has taken me longer to lose weight quickly.

Keys to Success:
- Daily food diary
- Meeting with Liz every 2-3 weeks
- Liz's persistent patient approach
- Liz's deep knowledge of weight loss strategies
- Liz's sense of humor
- Liz's ability to assist me in regulating my blood sugar (due to Type I diabetes) while simultaneously focusing upon weight loss
Following my weight loss, my A1C results have significantly improved. The last result was 5.9. I am in range for blood sugars about 85-90% of the time.
The BEST part about losing weight is improved self esteem due to my improved physical appearance and ability to wear clothes I had previously grown out of.
Sara lost 16 pounds

Gila's Story:
I am forty years old. I have lost thirty five pounds in thirteen months.
My Keys to Success:
- Most importantly, being held accountable to my external support system, both daily and weekly
- The unconditional support and patience of my nutritionist Liz
- Learning to eat everything in moderation - live by 80/20
The best part of my weight loss is the increase in self confidence both at home and at work, looking in the mirror and seeing someone that makes me smile.
Gila lost 35 pounds

Tara is 47.
"Liz has been instrumental in her support, guidance and great personally. She is always available and truly engaged and feels your success along with you. She shares her experience and ideas constantly which keep it fun! I lost and maintained 15-18 pounds over a year!!
Keys to Success that helped me lose weight:
- changing eating habits from cutting all carbs at dinner
- snacking with healthier options
- allowing an 80/20 split for each week
- exercise increasing to 4-5 times a week
As a result of my weight loss, my cholesterol reduced (which was the goal).
The best part of having lost weight is feeling good, lighter and clothes fitting better and loving the compliments that come with it!"
Tara lost 18 pounds

Vicky is 66.
It seems like I have been trying to lose weight for 30 years.
Really got serious about it 3 years ago when my cardiologist scared me and sent me to Liz, the nutritionist in his office. I reached my goal weight a month ago and have been keeping it off since.
Keys to Success that helped me lose weight:
- keeping a food diary and sending it to Liz
- drinking lots of water and keeping a full glass in each room so it's handy
- weighing myself every morning and keeping track
- planning out my food at the beginning of each day

As a result of my weight loss, My A1C sugar went down and glucose is down, too. I added Metformin to my daily Rx which helped kick start the weight loss, but hoping I can work my way off of it with more exercise and less sugar intake. My blood pressure is back to normal and cholesterol is down.
The best part of having lost weight is that my clothes fit better, my face doesn't look as puffy, and I can inspire my friends which helps me stay connected and set an example.
Also, I don't get as winded going up and down stairs!
Vicky lost 27 pounds

I'm 52 years old and since Fall 2017, I gained an additional 20-25 pounds and then put on 8 more “pandemic pounds.” This was on top of an all ready unhealthy weight. In April 2020, I started taking my health and weight loss seriously. I started running using the Couch to 5K app and a few pounds came off. June 1 was my first meeting with Elizabeth DeRobertis. We put together a nutrition plan, and I have been steadily been losing weight. I have been able to adhere to the plan for 7 months, and I will keep going until I reach my goal. Exercise has become an important part of my week - running or walking and doing yoga classes for strength and flexibility. I feel like I have more to lose, but I am so happy with the results up to now.
My blood work numbers in March were the extra motivation that I needed to make these health changes. My triglyceride level was at 341, and it is now 144. I have adjusted my cholesterol levels so the “good” level is up and the “bad” level is down. I have been able to stop taking a medication because of these results. My blood pressure is now consistently in a normal range, rather than being on the high end of normal with medication. I am so proud to have been able to get these results through diet and exercise.

Keys to Success:
- Planning meals and snacks & sticking to the plan (similar food and times every day)
- Having snacks in portion controlled packs
- Making time for exercise
The best part of having lost weight is
not being disappointed at how I look in the mirror.
I feel like the shape of my face changed so much, and I didnโt recognize myself. I enjoy getting dressed in my clothes that fit better; and Iโve had to buy new clothes! Once an item gets too big, I put it in the garbage. No more big clothes in the closet to fall back on. I also feel more energetic and athletic. I know this is finally the time I will get to a healthy weight and stay there. My plan is designed for me to eat foods I enjoy AND to be successful.
Lori lost over 60 pounds

I'm 65 years old.
In February of 2020 I had regular checkup and an elevated blood glucose (157) on a complete metabolic panel. My primary care physician (PCP) decided to repeat it by obtaining an HbA1C test which is more accurate and not subject to daily variation. The results of that test, in March, were elevated and now in the pre-diabetic range (6.2).
I told my PCP that I would begin to diet and eat better and we agreed to retake the test in May. The results of that test were worse (6.3) and he suggested that I speak to a nutritionist.
As usual, I told him I didn't need any help but the tests did not lie and I agreed to meet with Elizabeth DeRobertis.
From the very first meeting I noted that she listened, was professional,
knowledgeable, and able to tailor programs to the particular needs
of her individual patients/clients.
We began with a daily food diary. She analyzed the timing, content, order and volume of the things I ate. She made very constructive suggestions. She answered questions incredibly well. She listened to my particular food preferences and offered multiple better alternatives that maintained the quality of my diet while improving the carbohydrate and caloric content of the things I consumed. She taught me when to eat the things I wanted and how to control the amount and timing of when I ate them.
After being on the program for 5 months, I retested my HbA1C and it was now normal (5.8) and I had dropped 20-25 pounds. I have stayed on the program and have continued to lose weight now approximately up to 32 lbs.

Keys to Success:
- Switching from carbohydrates to start the day to protein. I now start the day with pot style cottage cheese, eggs or cheese rather than a glass of orange juice
- I now walk in the morning for about 20 minutes so that I get my metabolism moving before eating anything caloric
- I no longer eat before I go to bed. That was a big change I would satisfy myself with a late night snack before going to bed. Now my mantra is “don't make eating the last thing you do before going to bed”. So if I want a snack late or before bedtime i make sure to take a 15-20 minute walk after consuming anything.
- I love chips but now use 100 Cal bags of chips instead of 1000 cal bags of chips to snack on
- I also love ice cream but instead have switched to frozen berries or cherries as a cold icy snack
- I have taken out a lot of carbs eg. bread, pasta, potatoes. I have them occasionally but not in large volumes as I ate previously
The BEST parts about losing weight are:
- My blood chemistry and HbA1C values are much improved
- The fact that i have a whole new wardrobe without spending a lot of money because I now fit into the clothes that I previously purchased but couldn't get into
- The number of people who ask me what’s different because they tell me that I look healthy and happier (and better)
- Proving I could do it it!
Victor lost 30-32 pounds

Jennifer is 50 years old and lost 20 pounds.
"I have lost about 20 pounds since mid-July and plan to lose more. I work out at F45 4-5 days a week along with a training session some weeks. Liz has been a great support. She reviews my daily food intake. She provides me with food suggestions, recipes, delicious bars and shakes.

Keys to Success that helped me lose weight:
- Seeing success not only on the scale but in inches.
- Enjoying what I am eating and being able to enjoy a treat occasionally.
- Consistency with workouts that I love!
- Liz's support!
The best part of having lost weight is feeling good not just with my body shape but have a good mental attitude."
Jennifer lost 20 pounds

Jordan is 20 years old and lost 47 pounds.
"I started medication for my Hashimoto's thyroid disease and initially went from 217 lbs to 191 lbs. In June of 2020, I met with Elizabeth and started changing my lifestyle and eating habits.
Now, in January 2021, I weigh 170 lbs, with a net loss of 47 lbs. I started an Instagram (@lifewithjordansternthal) to share my experiences with weight gain/loss, chronic illness, and overall health. The key to my weight loss was patience and checking in with my body to make sure nothing was impeding my success.
Keys to Success that helped me lose weight:
- Synthroid (thyroid medication)
- Patience
- Good mental health, confidence, and body image
- Checking in with my doctors, dietician, and body
As a result of my weight loss, my blood sugar decreased a lot and I am no longer pre-diabetic. I am hoping that my cholesterol will also decrease as I lose more weight.
The best part of having lost weight is that I feel healthier and can move more freely. My joint pain also has decreased because there is less weight to carry."
Jordan lost 47 pounds

Liz has taught me so many wonderful tips,
and I could not have done it without her!
I'm Samantha and I'm 19.

Keys to Success:
- Logging calories in the Lose It app and measuring everything that I ate
- I ate 2 tbsp of whipcream (15 calories) when I felt like I needed a sweet snack
- For the most part, I cut out sweetened teas/sugary drinks and I stuck to low calorie drinks
- I tried to do some kind of exercise every day; whether that be a peloton ride or a walk down the block
- Doing this with my mom, as we were able to keep each other on track
The best part of having lost weight is the confidence that I have gained. It was such a great feeling to try on clothes that were once tight on me and to see them now be lose.
Samantha lost 27 pounds

I'm 53 years old.
I tried doing Weight Watchers a couple of times and also attended a 6 week nutrition class and lost a few pounds, which I easily gained back. I started seeing Liz in June of 2020 and started to lose weight consistently (a couple of pounds a week). I have lost 25 lbs since I started seeing Liz. Liz has done a great job of instilling a healthy way of life in me.

Keys to Success:
Working with Liz to come up with a list of foods and snack choices.
Both my daughter, Samantha, and I took this journey together and supported and motivated one another.
Planning and shopping for meals and snacks ahead of time.
When shopping for an item I check the label for the nutrition facts and note the calories.
Not sacrificing things that I crave or want. I would have it in moderation and kept track of the calories.
Nor being hard on myself if i gained a pound or two, knowing that could get back on track.
The best part of having lost weight is going on the scale and
seeing less pounds; also when people notice and say "wow"
you lost a lot of weight.
It also feels good when I look back
at photos of myself prior to losing weight.
Eileen C. lost 25 pounds

Paul is 51 and has lost 25 lbs over the past year and a half, including 15 during quarantine. He has been maintaining this weight loss within 5 pounds.
My Keys to Success:
- Change of diet to more protein and fewer carbohydrates
- Planned snacking and desserts
- Portion Control
- Increased Exercise (from 3 days a week to 7 days a week)
The best part of having lost weight is feeling better in general and sleeping slightly better. I have more energy and less physical burden on my body during exercise. I continue to eat my favorite foods on occasion, guilt free.
Paul M. lost 25 pounds

I'm 50 years old and have been carrying around an extra 10 - 20 lbs of weight since I've had my three children, now ages 12, 11 and 9. I've tried different things over the years but seeing Liz has really escalated my weight loss journey. The best part is, it comes off slow and steady and stays off.

Keys to Success:
- Liz! Having accountability to Liz every 2 weeks is a game changer.
- Built Bars - they are delicious, satisfying and filling. I can't wait for snack time each day.
- Routine - I am easily able to maintain this simple routine that I've worked out with Liz
- Food Tracking app - tracking what I eat and negotiating calories each day now comes naturally
The BEST part about losing weight is how well my clothes fit and the fact that I now have more clothes because I'm pulling out things from the back of the closet from years ago!
Eileen lost 25 pounds

Tiffany is 40 years old:
"I started eating appropriately in April 2020. (watching my calories, etc) 10 months later I am down 51.2 pounds.

Keys to Success:
- MyFitnessPal
- Wonderslim Pasta
- Changing my diet and watching what I eat
I haven't gone for my physical yet but I feel healthier.
When I have a "cheat" meal I definitely feel the difference in my digestive cycle and find myself bloated.
The best part about having lost weight is feeling more confident! and can fit in smaller and much cuter clothing.
Tiffany lost 51.2 pounds

Jolie is 54 years old
I began my quest July 2018, when I realized that I needed to be healthier and thinner. I was 157 lbs and 5’7&1/2” and i was very worried that I was always tired. I decided that I needed to lose 20 lbs and it would make a world of difference (I am not sure how I decided on that number)! It has taken till now….. I have just hit my goal weight this January 2020!

I learned with Liz DeRobertis
how to use portion control
(I realized that is very important) She had me focus on calories, as opposed to my exercise. I was able to learn varieties and choices of meals, the most important as I was in the habit of eating pasta almost every night. Well after the quarantine began, I parachuted back to my original goals and had to start from scratch! I concentrated every day as I was in the apartment all the time. It was very depressing!
As for my medications, I am not on any medications any more. I used to be on a few different antidepressants, but no more! When i had gained weight because of the pandemic, I went on ozempic and that changed my life. It helped me not feel starving all the time and crave snacks that I was trying desperately not to eat.
The best part of losing weight was that my body feels better! My clothes look better. I don't feel like I am struggling with the way I feel. Its just better all around.
Keys to Success:
- Portion control - stop eating everything in sight
- Purchased a pelaton, I think that some form of exercise is very important for my mental phase
- Filled frig with low calorie items and added many vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, etc.)
- Weighing myself once a week and religiously having someone to report it to
Jolie lost 20 pounds

Paul is 58 years old
I lost 30 pounds in 72 days...Exercised nearly everyday, changed my diet to take in more protein and less carbs. I met with my primary care doctor in Mid-Feb. and he suggested I work with a nutritionist. At that visit I weighed 253lbs,and that started my journey with Elizabeth.
The best part about losing weight is that all my clothes are now loose.
Resting HR is 59 which is about as low as I've seen...additionally, my BP was 117 over 75, which again is fairly low for a 58 year old. I'm pretty sure diet was involved, but the fact that I was putting in 300-500 calories workouts daily, I believe was the primary factor.

Keys to Success:
- Chart everything in-takes and burned calories in the form of exercise.
- Weigh often, better chance of not back-sliding your progress
- Work hard, don't take shortcuts your body deserves your best efforts
- Start identifing bad in-take, some foods (no matter how good they taste) aren't good for you
Paul S. lost 30 pounds

Patty is 55 years old

When I began my journey with Liz, it might have been for a different reason than the person who is reading this.
However, the reason is not as important as to taking the actual step.
The step for me was not a huge one, because at almost 55 years old, I realized my body both internally and externally were not getting along. One of my healthcare professionals recommended Liz and I jumped at the chance.
I have done so many “diet” programs with the typical yo-yo results and it wasn’t until I met and truly spoke with Liz who taught me how to reframe my relationship with food and my head.
The transition wasn’t difficult. There have been adjustments with my thinking, new ways of food shopping, planning and most important reading, reading, and reading labels. I also learned not to listen to what everyone else is doing, but rather what has worked for my body and my head. Instead of bemoaning what I cannot have, I have confidence to what I can have which can be just as good.
Don’t get me wrong, I have my moments, I splurge or fall off the wagon but what is interesting is I now desire mentally to return to the foods that make my body run well. I am not at the end of my journey but will tell you my confidence to shape my destiny is much higher than I have experienced on any other program. This is life. Not a diet, but a lifetime of choice.
I have come along way, and through Liz’s advice, suggestions, support and guidance, I’m confident that I can take the things I have learned and continue on a path of wellness, both internally and externally. I hope you get to experience the new love I have found with myself.

Pauline's Journey
The word Deliverer is a person who rescues you from harm or danger. Liz, when you met me, I was depressed, unhappy with my body, and just miserable with life – weighing 363 pounds!! To be perfectly blunt and honest with you – there were many, many days where I did not get out of bed – many many, many nights were I couldn’t sleep and I just cried and cried. My pillow would be wet with tears and my heart was smashed into pieces. I should have been grateful for surviving breast cancer, but the toll of surviving this illness, coupled with the loss of my father, life issues and the challenges of being a professor – had crushed my spirit, my passion for life. There were moments, as I reflect now where I was extremely depressed (to my utmost shame) and stayed in a very, very dark place.
At my first session with Coach Liz, she was smiling and seemed so friendly and warm that I began to relax - I could tell over zoom that she really cared about me. I was not just a client, but a person, and she was going to deliver me! She talked to me very gently and looked me straight in the eye telling me that she could help. She told me that all I had to do was take pictures of what I am eating, and exercise and the weight removal would happen. I really didn’t believe her– because I had tried so many diet plans, doctors, therapists, etc. I have always desired to be skinny – but didn’t know how to do it. I tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, worked with several nutritionists – they would work for a while but not long-term….and I would gain my weight back and more. Thank you Coach Liz, for looking beyond my size and seeing a thin, glamourous woman wanting to appear and believing in me – when, I didn’t. You set a tone of telling me “ Pauline, I am Proud of You”, Pauline – “ you are doing great!”, the atmosphere was charged with positivity and over time – I began to believe that I was doing well despite how I was feeling and that greatness was achievable for me. As a 10- year breast cancer survivor – my doctors have told me repeatedly to lose weight to decrease my risk of a recurrence. Losing, your breasts is a terrible thing – and when this occurred for me – I felt that my womanhood was gone. I am grateful to be alive – but my desire to take care of myself was lost. Why do I want to lose weight – for myself – to regain my beauty as a woman, to extend my life and not have another cancer recurrence, to be a role model to all, that although life may knock you down, you can get back up and live a happy life! So, thank-you Coach Liz, my Moses, for helping me walk thru these Red Seas of impossibilities and now on this Christmas Day – I am no longer enslaved to an inferior complex from sickness – I am Free!!
I no longer sleep all day in bed. I have a purpose a plan. I arise with joy in my heart and a willingness to go to LifeTime Fitness where I do the following: swim 2 miles every day, Pilates 2 days per week, spinning classes 2 days and do hit training on Saturdays. I am walking, sleeping better, and I am so happy and grateful to be alive!! Liz, my friend, my weight loss coach, from the bottom of my heart – thank you for being my Deliverer – and delivering me from the pits of hopeless, despair, depression, and food addiction. You have gently held my hand and led me to this point of removing 90 pounds -now weighing 273 pounds – I am loving and living life!!
Pauline is 57 years old
Keys to My Success
- Consistency
- Exercise
- Taking Pictures of my food daily - tracking what I eat
- Communicating with Coach Liz
90 pounds lost!

Now, I am no longer pre-diabetic and my blood pressure is normal.
The best part about having lost weight is being able to do more for my family and help students in my career as a professor.

Carol R's Story
Keys to My Success
- Everything is a number. Eyeball all your intake of food. Change fries in a restaurant to grilled Tomato or any vegetable you like. Carbs are the enemy so stay away from them.
- Fill those calorie numbers with Protein to make you feel full & Colorful, Flavorful Vegetables.
- Replace the sugar craving with flavor. Use a little hot sauce instead of ketchup, put a little on your eggs to kick up the flavor; keep lemon juice handy & I put a little on vegetables for moisture instead of butter. I promise they won’t taste all lemony. Use Bolthouse honey mustard dressing at 20 Calories a tablespoon. I make salads & use it on every kind of salad & chicken. Use good mustard on bread instead of mayo.
- Drink 6 cups of hot water with lemon & cucumber (or ginger, cinnamon & lemon) daily. Use a thermos so it stays hot.
- Plan ahead so you do not set yourself up for failure. I removed everything I can’t eat from my kitchen. I have healthy snacks all over my kitchen. If I’m going on the road, I’m ready. It makes it so easy to follow eating healthy. Remember: This is a war. The war is You against Your cravings. You control this. No one else and You will succeed! I guarantee it.
75 pounds lost!
My examples of treats are:
- baked 6 apples with cinnamon at same time. Put in plastic tiny bowls & zip lock bags;
- “From The Ground Up” cheddar cheese or cinnamon straw shaped chips (140 calories for 24);
- 2 Products from Trader Joe’s: 1. Protein Pancake Mix; 1/3 cup makes 2 filling pancakes (10 grams of protein & 140 calories) (add frozen fruit or unsweetened carob chips to make big) & 2. Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread (keep in freezer), 80 calories & made with sprouts (no flour), I have it with egg or 60 calorie cheese & tiny/ hot sauce;
- Great brand de cafe coffee (this is my hot treat at night or morning so don’t skimp on flavor);
- 2 ounces non fat yogurt with blueberries in a tiny plastic bowl & freeze in zip lock bag;
- 1 stalk of Celery with 1 tablespoon of Natural peanut butter;
- 90 Calorie chocolate ice cream bars from Sam’s Club (18 for $9) or Yasso 80 calorie chocolate fudge bars;
- Hard boiled egg with 1 stalk of celery chopped, minced onion, tomato pieces & 1 tablespoon Bolthouse dressing;
- grapefruit at night is so filling

I have lost 75 pounds and have never been so knowledgeable about food. I never felt full..ever..in the past. I didn’t know I was a sugar addict. No idea since my whole family was always heavy & eating cakes continually. I thought it was normal. It wasn’t.
Omg…Now I actually feel full. That is a very big deal to me. I even had a lap band in me for 3 torturous years & lost only 30 pounds. It started sticking out on a trip to California & luckily I made it to the surgeon in NY for removal. No one should do that surgery. 3 years of sickness & no education into food.
Thank you to nutritionist Liz DeRobertis. Only because of her, I have so much insight into the psychological aspect of my daily food intake. She has been there for me every step of my journey.
Always teaching me, always thinking of me & so patient, calm & focused. And it was during a Pandemic when most people gained weight (& I do death certificates for a living!), she made sure I lost weight instead & kept me focused. She is the best nutritionist & you are lucky if you can have her teach you too because she will be right there with you always.
Remember food into a body is like gas into a car. You don’t want to die out on the road with sugar in the tank…lol. Keep the body running it’s very best because it’s what You deserve!