"Refined carbs can trigger food cravings and these food cravings are similar to drug addict cravings."
as seen on FOX 5
"Slim Fast actually has recently done a number of studies on people with Type II Diabetes" says Elizabeth DeRobertis.
- Nutrition Plan
- New Wardrobe
- New Hair & Makeup
Elizabeth DeRobertis, "I'm here to talk to you today about the importance of healthy food choices if you've been diagnosed with diabetes. It's important for you to know that you can still enjoy the foods that you love, even though you've been diagnosed with diabetes."
It kills more Americans than Breast Cancer & AIDS combined.
It's the #1 cause of blindness in adults.
It doubles the risk of heart attack and stroke.
1 in 13 of all Americans have it. 1 in 4 of these don't know it. 1 in 5 are on their way to getting it.
"The Goji Berry also has lots of health benefits"
as seen on Fox 5

"An ever-present concern is weight gain. One attendee asked, “Why is it so hard to maintain our weight as we get older?” Nutritionist Elizabeth DeRobertis explained that, in menopause, weight shifts to the abdominal area as women develop insulin resistance and become more sensitive to carbohydrates. She suggested..." read more >>

Bad Diet or Fad Diet? Deciphering the Best Way to Eat in 2022

10 ways to boost your energy and feel rejuvenated throughout the day

Lose Weight Radio
Elizabeth chats with Matt Mercer
Summer Plans… by Kacey On The Radio
Who among us is bathing suit-ready? Nutritionist Elizabeth DeRobertis has the information we need to release extra pounds
Diabetes Health Alternatives 2:
Diabetes, Nutrition & You
Marion Joyce Consumer Talk: Healthy Eating Tactics For Dining Out
Healthy Holiday Eating
This interview, also featuring nutritionist and food expert Toby Amidor, discusses healthy holiday shopping, food preparation, and essential tips to maintain your weight (and even lose weight) during the holiday season.
Diabetes: Tips and Tactics to
Optimize Blood Glucose Control
This interview provides helpful information on how food impacts blood glucose, how to choose the right meal plan for optimized blood glucose control, the importance of testing blood glucose and the best testing schedule, avoiding common pitfalls when it comes to diabetes management, and much more.
The Debbie Nigro Show
Hunger Shield Radio Interview With Elizabeth DeRobertis